Preprocessing of reads was done automatically by seq2science v0.7.2 ( using the RNA-seq workflow. Paired-end reads were trimmed with fastp v0.20.1 ( with default options. Genome assembly GRCh38.p13 was downloaded with genomepy 0.12.0 ( Reads were aligned with STAR v2.7.6a ( with default options. Afterwards, duplicate reads were marked with Picard MarkDuplicates v2.23.8 ( General alignment statistics were collected by samtools stats v1.14 ( Deeptools v3.5.0 ( was used for the fingerprint, profile, correlation and dendrogram/heatmap plots, where the heatmap was made with options '--distanceBetweenBins 9000 --binSize 1000'. Sample sequencing strandedness was inferred using RSeQC v4.0.0 ( in order to improve quantification accuracy. Read counting and summarizing to gene-level was performed on filtered bam files using HTSeq-count v0.12.4 ( RNA-seq read duplication types were analyzed using dupRadar v1.20.0 ( Differential gene expression analysis was performed using DESeq2 v1.34 ( To adjust for multiple testing the (default) Benjamini-Hochberg procedure was performed with an FDR cutoff of 0.1 (default is 0.1). Counts were log transformed using the (default) shrinkage estimator apeglm v1.16 ( TPM normalized gene counts were generated using genomepy based on longest transcript lengths. Quality control metrics were aggregated by MultiQC v1.11 (