track cytoBandIdeo bigDataUrl cytoBandIdeo.bigBed shortLabel cytoBandIdeo longLabel Chromosome ideogram with cytogenetic bands type bigBed track gcPercent bigDataUrl gcPercent.bigWig shortLabel gcPercent longLabel gcPercent type bigWig color 59,189,191 group annotation priority 1 visibility dense track softmasked bigDataUrl softmasked.bigBed shortLabel softmasked longLabel softmasked type bigBed color 128,128,128 group annotation priority 2 visibility dense track annotation bigDataUrl annotation.bigBed shortLabel annotation longLabel annotation type bigBed 12 color 140,43,69 group annotation priority 3 searchIndex name searchTrix annotation.ix visibility pack track mergedreads shortLabel merged reads longLabel merged reads type bigWig dimensions dimX=view group trackhub visibility full subGroup1 view Views merged=merged mergedpeak=mergedpeak autoScale on compositeTrack on priority 5 track mergedreadsview maxHeightPixels 100:50:8 parent mergedreads view merged visibility full track rna bigDataUrl shortLabel merged RNA-seq longLabel merged RNA-seq reads (GSE82280) type bigWig parent mergedreadsview subGroups view=merged color 00,120,20 priority 7 track merged bigDataUrl shortLabel merged scATAC-seq longLabel merged scATAC-seq reads type bigWig parent mergedreadsview subGroups view=merged color 0,20,120 priority 8 track mergedpeakview parent mergedreads view mergedpeak visibility dense track oripeaks bigDataUrl shortLabel original peaks longLabel original peaks from cellranger type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 9 /track min0peaks bigDataUrl shortLabel centered peaks longLabel original peaks centered on summit type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 10 track min2peaks bigDataUrl shortLabel min 2 reads peaks longLabel peaks filtered for min 2 reads and centered on summit type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 12 /track min3peaks bigDataUrl shortLabel min 3 reads peaks longLabel peaks filtered for min 3 reads and centered on summit type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 13 track min4peaks bigDataUrl shortLabel min 4 reads peaks longLabel peaks filtered for min 4 reads and centered on summit type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 14 track min6peaks bigDataUrl shortLabel min 6 reads peaks longLabel peaks filtered for min 6 reads and centered on summit type bigBed color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 16 track mergedmacs2peaks bigDataUrl merged_macs2_peaks.bignarrowPeak shortLabel merged MACS2 peaks longLabel MACS2 peaks from merged bamfiles type bigNarrowPeak color 0,20,120 visibility full parent mergedpeakview subGroups view=mergedpeak priority 99 track clusters shortLabel clusters longLabel clusters type bigWig dimensions dimX=view group trackhub visibility full subGroup1 view Views cluster=cluster peak=peak autoScale group compositeTrack on priority 6 track clustersview maxHeightPixels 100:50:8 parent clusters view cluster visibility full track peakview parent clusters view peak visibility dense track cluster0 bigDataUrl shortLabel c0 longLabel cluster0 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 13 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster0pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c0 peaks longLabel cluster0 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 14 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster1 bigDataUrl shortLabel c1 longLabel cluster1 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 15 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster1pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c1 peaks longLabel cluster1 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 16 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster2 bigDataUrl shortLabel c2 longLabel cluster2 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 17 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster2pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c2 peaks longLabel cluster2 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 18 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster3 bigDataUrl shortLabel c3 longLabel cluster3 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 19 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster3pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c3 peaks longLabel cluster3 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 20 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster4 bigDataUrl shortLabel c4 longLabel cluster4 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 21 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster4pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c4 peaks longLabel cluster4 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 22 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster5 bigDataUrl shortLabel c5 longLabel cluster5 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 23 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster5pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c5 peaks longLabel cluster5 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 24 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster6 bigDataUrl shortLabel c6 longLabel cluster6 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 25 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster6pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c6 peaks longLabel cluster6 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 26 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster7 bigDataUrl shortLabel c7 longLabel cluster7 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 27 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster7pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c7 peaks longLabel cluster7 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 28 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster8 bigDataUrl shortLabel c8 longLabel cluster8 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 29 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster8pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c8 peaks longLabel cluster8 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 30 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster9 bigDataUrl shortLabel c9 longLabel cluster9 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 31 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster9pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c9 peaks longLabel cluster9 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 32 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster10 bigDataUrl shortLabel c10 longLabel cluster10 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 33 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster10pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c10 peaks longLabel cluster10 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 34 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster11 bigDataUrl shortLabel c11 longLabel cluster11 type bigWig color 120,120,120 priority 35 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster11pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c11 peaks longLabel cluster11 peaks type bigBed color 120,120,120 priority 36 parent peakview subGroups view=peak track cluster12 bigDataUrl shortLabel c12 longLabel cluster12 type bigWig color 0,0,0 priority 37 parent clustersview subGroups view=cluster track cluster12pk bigDataUrl shortLabel c12 peaks longLabel cluster12 peaks type bigBed color 0,0,0 priority 38 parent peakview subGroups view=peak