Category Term Count % PValue Genes List Total Pop Hits Pop Total Fold Enrichment Bonferroni Benjamini FDR GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043405~regulation of MAP kinase activity 4 5.797101449275362 0.008847872272952004 SPRY1, SPRED1, THBS1, FGF2 42 141 13528 9.137453562985478 0.9966727616811059 0.9966727616811059 12.407336163188443 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0006913~nucleocytoplasmic transport 4 5.797101449275362 0.011638307037994237 KPNA7, SMURF1, FGF2, THOC1 42 156 13528 8.25885225885226 0.9994554838489609 0.9766651301473708 16.01210729851318 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0051169~nuclear transport 4 5.797101449275362 0.012044453386018466 KPNA7, SMURF1, FGF2, THOC1 42 158 13528 8.1543098251959 0.9995817718682174 0.9252167364349485 16.525090102462304 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002694~regulation of leukocyte activation 4 5.797101449275362 0.013750455479169728 CTLA4, THBS1, SPN, CD28 42 166 13528 7.761331038439471 0.9998621090874604 0.8916362785066975 18.648095787597242 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0042129~regulation of T cell proliferation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.01510922163923323 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 62 13528 15.585253456221198 0.9999430961487897 0.8584113855040303 20.30283702376923 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050865~regulation of cell activation 4 5.797101449275362 0.01582682836541381 CTLA4, THBS1, SPN, CD28 42 175 13528 7.362176870748299 0.9999643616840219 0.8185934924475213 21.16403374896446 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002683~negative regulation of immune system process 3 4.3478260869565215 0.026127561451588188 CTLA4, THBS1, SPN 42 83 13528 11.641996557659207 0.9999999584728423 0.9117984880967767 32.607369658768846 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050670~regulation of lymphocyte proliferation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.026127561451588188 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 83 13528 11.641996557659207 0.9999999584728423 0.9117984880967767 32.607369658768846 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0070663~regulation of leukocyte proliferation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.02671416835457049 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 84 13528 11.503401360544217 0.9999999717942515 0.8861607033693548 33.209928485662346 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0032944~regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.02671416835457049 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 84 13528 11.503401360544217 0.9999999717942515 0.8861607033693548 33.209928485662346 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043537~negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.02695628596812562 THBS1, FGF2 42 9 13528 71.57671957671957 0.9999999759580548 0.8576225970364513 33.457161680893044 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002040~sprouting angiogenesis 2 2.898550724637681 0.02695628596812562 THBS1, FGF2 42 9 13528 71.57671957671957 0.9999999759580548 0.8576225970364513 33.457161680893044 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043536~positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.02695628596812562 THBS1, FGF2 42 9 13528 71.57671957671957 0.9999999759580548 0.8576225970364513 33.457161680893044 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0032270~positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 4 5.797101449275362 0.03327079899692058 SMURF1, THBS1, FGF2, CD28 42 233 13528 5.5295319844676065 0.9999999996321206 0.8860877210205083 39.61146278491173 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0051247~positive regulation of protein metabolic process 4 5.797101449275362 0.03699018685614539 SMURF1, THBS1, FGF2, CD28 42 243 13528 5.301979227905153 0.9999999999690317 0.8891772647129722 42.98356223455225 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0001759~induction of an organ 2 2.898550724637681 0.038708060078062635 SPRY1, FGF2 42 13 13528 49.55311355311355 0.9999999999901575 0.8790074584145557 44.48097567215387 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0010595~positive regulation of endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.038708060078062635 THBS1, FGF2 42 13 13528 49.55311355311355 0.9999999999901575 0.8790074584145557 44.48097567215387 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002696~positive regulation of leukocyte activation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.04090939645464192 THBS1, SPN, CD28 42 106 13528 9.115902964959567 0.9999999999977411 0.8729001298732053 46.346199890836544 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0010596~negative regulation of endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.04162429903677608 THBS1, FGF2 42 14 13528 46.01360544217686 0.9999999999986005 0.8576739935383664 46.93925927821777 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0010604~positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 7 10.144927536231885 0.042863600675506625 SATB2, MEIS2, SMURF1, THBS1, FGF2, SPN, CD28 42 857 13528 2.630882924931933 0.9999999999993902 0.8466513238397253 47.95287618252764 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050867~positive regulation of cell activation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.04445812391465582 THBS1, SPN, CD28 42 111 13528 8.705276705276706 0.999999999999791 0.8387423983485178 49.230462009696296 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0010557~positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 6 8.695652173913043 0.046366024655759425 SATB2, MEIS2, THBS1, FGF2, SPN, CD28 42 654 13528 2.9550021843599823 0.999999999999942 0.833522116569827 50.720680381878914 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043535~regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.04743090659949844 THBS1, FGF2 42 16 13528 40.26190476190476 0.9999999999999717 0.8232709193362885 51.534588858515605 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050863~regulation of T cell activation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.04886230506406514 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 117 13528 8.258852258852258 0.9999999999999892 0.8159839412718953 52.608884919664455 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0016477~cell migration 4 5.797101449275362 0.050715868487659514 SATB2, THBS1, FGF2, MIXL1 42 276 13528 4.668046928916493 0.9999999999999969 0.8118870479027666 53.96702871002997 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0031328~positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 6 8.695652173913043 0.054637481905023724 SATB2, MEIS2, THBS1, FGF2, SPN, CD28 42 685 13528 2.8212721584984357 0.9999999999999998 0.8205234980546647 56.721674164934946 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0006955~immune response 6 8.695652173913043 0.05604828466635112 CRHR1, ICOS, CTLA4, THBS1, SPN, CD28 42 690 13528 2.8008281573498963 0.9999999999999999 0.8142242452229014 57.67446487570421 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050688~regulation of defense response to virus 2 2.898550724637681 0.05607651467891124 SPN, CD28 42 19 13528 33.904761904761905 0.9999999999999999 0.8002855093219436 57.693328856951794 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0031128~developmental induction 2 2.898550724637681 0.05607651467891124 SPRY1, FGF2 42 19 13528 33.904761904761905 0.9999999999999999 0.8002855093219436 57.693328856951794 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045168~cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate specification 2 2.898550724637681 0.05607651467891124 SPRY1, FGF2 42 19 13528 33.904761904761905 0.9999999999999999 0.8002855093219436 57.693328856951794 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0009891~positive regulation of biosynthetic process 6 8.695652173913043 0.05748045089160779 SATB2, MEIS2, THBS1, FGF2, SPN, CD28 42 695 13528 2.780678314491264 1.0 0.7947574922970019 58.62164016033997 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0030155~regulation of cell adhesion 3 4.3478260869565215 0.06460743214183434 CYTH3, THBS1, SPN 42 137 13528 7.0531803962460895 1.0 0.8200616495492947 63.04812361619345 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0048598~embryonic morphogenesis 4 5.797101449275362 0.06556965601459924 SATB2, TSHZ1, FBN2, MIXL1 42 307 13528 4.196680626648053 1.0 0.8126145759434882 63.61069158805709 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0051674~localization of cell 4 5.797101449275362 0.06556965601459924 SATB2, THBS1, FGF2, MIXL1 42 307 13528 4.196680626648053 1.0 0.8126145759434882 63.61069158805709 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0048870~cell motility 4 5.797101449275362 0.06556965601459924 SATB2, THBS1, FGF2, MIXL1 42 307 13528 4.196680626648053 1.0 0.8126145759434882 63.61069158805709 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045727~positive regulation of translation 2 2.898550724637681 0.06748499542566123 THBS1, CD28 42 23 13528 28.008281573498966 1.0 0.8101183338658701 64.70680008602537 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050777~negative regulation of immune response 2 2.898550724637681 0.07313867781104459 CTLA4, SPN 42 25 13528 25.767619047619046 1.0 0.8247348549293433 67.7653194764011 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0010594~regulation of endothelial cell migration 2 2.898550724637681 0.07313867781104459 THBS1, FGF2 42 25 13528 25.767619047619046 1.0 0.8247348549293433 67.7653194764011 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0051249~regulation of lymphocyte activation 3 4.3478260869565215 0.07390304770086463 CTLA4, SPN, CD28 42 148 13528 6.528957528957529 1.0 0.8172560954510595 68.15930796515231 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045766~positive regulation of angiogenesis 2 2.898550724637681 0.07595296457668782 THBS1, FGF2 42 26 13528 24.776556776556774 1.0 0.8155607828758156 69.19385555175022 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0042130~negative regulation of T cell proliferation 2 2.898550724637681 0.0787589139507162 CTLA4, SPN 42 27 13528 23.858906525573193 1.0 0.8171131383759465 70.55918254923539 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002831~regulation of response to biotic stimulus 2 2.898550724637681 0.08434589679131768 SPN, CD28 42 29 13528 22.213464696223316 1.0 0.8292985802150157 73.11125597738415 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045859~regulation of protein kinase activity 4 5.797101449275362 0.08620048943318302 SPRY1, SPRED1, THBS1, FGF2 42 345 13528 3.734437543133195 1.0 0.826869945698686 73.91171977759792 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043900~regulation of multi-organism process 2 2.898550724637681 0.08989981819165657 SPN, CD28 42 31 13528 20.780337941628265 1.0 0.8311473594744825 75.44243368162431 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045892~negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 4 5.797101449275362 0.0926385732405556 ZMYND11, SATB2, MEIS2, FGF2 42 356 13528 3.619047619047619 1.0 0.831898995043628 76.52124354413783 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0032945~negative regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation 2 2.898550724637681 0.09266444051150251 CTLA4, SPN 42 32 13528 20.13095238095238 1.0 0.8234525502350868 76.53121868916165 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050672~negative regulation of lymphocyte proliferation 2 2.898550724637681 0.09266444051150251 CTLA4, SPN 42 32 13528 20.13095238095238 1.0 0.8234525502350868 76.53121868916165 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0070664~negative regulation of leukocyte proliferation 2 2.898550724637681 0.09266444051150251 CTLA4, SPN 42 32 13528 20.13095238095238 1.0 0.8234525502350868 76.53121868916165 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0060021~palate development 2 2.898550724637681 0.09266444051150251 SATB2, TSHZ1 42 32 13528 20.13095238095238 1.0 0.8234525502350868 76.53121868916165 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0043549~regulation of kinase activity 4 5.797101449275362 0.09323374261022235 SPRY1, SPRED1, THBS1, FGF2 42 357 13528 3.60891023075897 1.0 0.8169849110446915 76.74975903663905 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0008285~negative regulation of cell proliferation 4 5.797101449275362 0.09563063151666143 CTLA4, THBS1, FGF2, SPN 42 361 13528 3.568922305764411 1.0 0.8169901250497004 77.64920580938382 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0051253~negative regulation of RNA metabolic process 4 5.797101449275362 0.0962338809785443 ZMYND11, SATB2, MEIS2, FGF2 42 362 13528 3.5590634043672718 1.0 0.810933284900019 77.87040873261546