############################RNAseq tracks ##KC tracks: track KC_RNA container multiWig shortLabel KC_RNA longLabel KC_RNA description="all KC_replica's forward and reverse" type bigWig #viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 1 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks ##LSC tracks: track LSC_RNA container multiWig shortLabel LSC_RNA longLabel LSC_RNA description="all LSC replica's forward and reverse" type bigWig #viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 2 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks ############################ATACseq tracks track ATACseqsamples container multiWig shortLabel ATAC-seq longLabel ATAC-seq description="all merged ATAC files" type bigWig maxHeightPixels 40 visibility full aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 3 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track ATAC_BAM_KC bigDataUrl ATAC_BAM_KC.bw shortLabel ATAC_BAM_KC bw longLabel ATAC_BAM_KC bw type bigWig color 106,61,154 parent signal priority 12.0 visibility full parent ATACseqsamples track ATAC_BAM_LSC bigDataUrl ATAC_BAM_LSC.bw shortLabel ATAC_BAM_LSC bw longLabel ATAC_BAM_LSC bigWig type bigWig color 229,163,249 parent signal priority 24.0 visibility full parent ATACseqsamples track CREs_ATAC_annotated bigDataUrl Accesible_regions_ATAC_regions.bigBed shortLabel ATAC_signal_annotated longLabel CREs_annotated priority 4 visibility pack type bigBed 9 itemRgb on description='all the annotated regions based on ATAC summits' ############################H3K27acseq tracks track signal_H3K27ac container multiWig shortLabel KC_LSC_H3K27ac longLabel KC_LSC_H3K27ac description="all H3K27ac files" type bigWig maxHeightPixels 40 visibility full aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 5 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track H3K27ac_BAM_KC.bw bigDataUrl H3K27ac_BAM_KC.bw shortLabel H3K27ac_BAM_KC bw longLabel H3K27ac_BAM_KC bigWig type bigWig color 31,120,180 parent signal_H3K27ac priority 12.0 visibility full track H3K27ac_BAM_LSC bigDataUrl H3K27ac_BAM_LSC.bw shortLabel H3K27ac_BAM_LSC bw longLabel H3K27ac_BAM_LSC bw type bigWig color 166,206,227 parent signal_H3K27ac priority 16.0 visibility full track CREs_H3K27ac_annotated bigDataUrl Accesible_regions_H3K27ac_regions.bigBed shortLabel H3K27ac_annotated longLabel CREs_annotated priority 6 visibility pack type bigBed 9 itemRgb on description='all the annotated regions based on H3K27ac signal' ############################H3K4me3seq tracks track signal_H3K4me3 container multiWig shortLabel KC_LSC_H3K4me3 longLabel KC_LSC_H3K4me3 description="all H3K4me3files" type bigWig maxHeightPixels 40 visibility full aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 7 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track H3K4me3_BAM_KC bigDataUrl H3K4me3_BAM_KC.bw shortLabel H3K4me3_BAM_KC bw longLabel H3K4me3_BAM_KC bigWig type bigWig color 51,160,44 parent signal_H3K4me3 priority 14.0 visibility full subGroups conditions=DOMH3K4me3 view=signal track H3K4me3_BAM_LSC bigDataUrl H3K4me3_BAM_LSC.bw shortLabel H3K4me3_BAM_LSC bw longLabel H3K4me3_BAM_LSC.bw type bigWig color 178,223,138 parent signal_H3K4me3 priority 26.0 visibility full subGroups conditions=PRIMLSCH3K4me3 view=signal track CREs_H3K4me3_annotated bigDataUrl Accesible_regions_H3K4me3_regions.bigBed shortLabel H3K4me3_annotated longLabel CREs_annotated priority 8 visibility pack type bigBed 9 itemRgb on description='all the annotated regions based on ATAC summits and H3K4me3 signal' ############################H3K27me3seq tracks track signal_H3K27me3 container multiWig shortLabel KC_LSC_H3K27me3 longLabel KC_LSC_H3K27me3 description="all H3K27me3files" type bigWig maxHeightPixels 40 visibility full aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 9 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track H3K27me3_BAM_KC.bw bigDataUrl H3K27me3_BAM_KC.bw shortLabel H3K27me3_BAM_KC bw longLabel H3K27me3_BAM_KC bigWig type bigWig color 197,67,57 parent signal_H3K27me3 priority 14.0 visibility full track H3K27me3_BAM_LSC bigDataUrl H3K27me3_BAM_LSC.bw shortLabel H3K27me3_BAM_LSC bw longLabel H3K27me3_BAM_LSC bigWig type bigWig color 251,154,153 parent signal_H3K27me3 priority 18.0 visibility full track CREs_H3K27me3_annotated bigDataUrl Accesible_regions_H3K27me3_regions.bigBed shortLabel H3K27me3_annotated longLabel CREs_annotated priority 10 visibility pack type bigBed 9 itemRgb on description='all the annotated regions based on ATAC summits and H3K27me3 signal' ############################chipseq peakfiles ############################TP63 chipseq files track TP63_chipseq_data container multiWig shortLabel TP63 _chipseq_data longLabel TP63 _chipseq_data description="all LSC TP63 replica's" type bigWig viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 11 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track TP63_LSC_1 bigDataUrl PRIMLSCp63chipbw.bigWig shortLabel TP63_LSC_1 longLabel TP63_LSC_1 type bigWig parent TP63_chipseq_data color 141,160,203 track TP63_LSC_2 bigDataUrl PRIM2LSCunsurep63chipbw.bigWig shortLabel TP63_LSC_2 longLabel TP63_LSC_2 parent TP63_chipseq_data type bigWig color 141,160,203 track LSC_TP63_peaks bigDataUrl LSCp63pk.bigNarrowPeak shortLabel LSC_p63_peaks longLabel LSC_p63_peaks priority 12 visibility dense color 141,160,203 type bigNarrowPeak ############################FOXC1 chipseq files ###FOXC1 chipseq files track FOXC1_chipseq_data container multiWig shortLabel FOXC1_chipseq_data longLabel FOXC1_chipseq_data description="all LSC FOXC1 replica's" type bigWig viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 13 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track FOXC1_LSC_1 bigDataUrl LSCFOXC1rep1Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel FOXC1_LSC_1 longLabel FOXC1_LSC_1 type bigWig parent FOXC1_chipseq_data color 102,194,165 track FOXC1_LSC_2 bigDataUrl LSCFOXC1rep2Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel FOXC1_LSC_2 longLabel FOXC1_LSC_2 parent FOXC1_chipseq_data type bigWig color 102,194,165 track LSC_FOXC1_peaks bigDataUrl LSCFOXC1pk.bigNarrowPeak shortLabel LSC_FOXC1_peaks longLabel LSC_FOXC1_peaks visibility dense color 102,194,165 type bigNarrowPeak priority 14 ############################PAX6 chipseq files ###Pax6 chipseq files track PAX6_chipseq_data container multiWig shortLabel PAX6_chipseq_data longLabel PAX6_chipseq_data description="all LSC PAX6 replica's" type bigWig viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 15 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track PAX6_LSC_1 bigDataUrl LSC1PAX6bw.bigWig shortLabel PAX6_LSC_1 longLabel PAX6_LSC_1 type bigWig parent PAX6_chipseq_data color 252,141,98 track PAX6_LSC_2 bigDataUrl LSC2PAX6bw.bigWig shortLabel PAX6_LSC_2 longLabel PAX6_LSC_2 parent PAX6_chipseq_data type bigWig color 252,141,98 track LSC_PAX6_peaks bigDataUrl LSCPAX6pk.bigNarrowPeak shortLabel LSC_PAX6_peaks longLabel LSC_PAX6_peaks visibility dense color 252,141,98 priority 16 type bigNarrowPeak ############################RUNX1 chipseq files ##### RUNX1 chipseq files track RUNX1_chipseq_data container multiWig shortLabel RUNX1_chipseq_data longLabel RUNX1_chipseq_data description="all LSC RUNX1 replica's" type bigWig viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 17 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track RUNX1_LSC_1 bigDataUrl LSCRUNX1rep1Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel RUNX1_LSC_1 longLabel RUNX1_LSC_1 type bigWig parent RUNX1_chipseq_data color 166,216,84 track RUNX1_LSC_2 bigDataUrl LSCRUNX1rep2Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel RUNX1_LSC_2 longLabel RUNX1_LSC_2 parent RUNX1_chipseq_data type bigWig color 166,216,84 track LSC_RUNX1_peaks bigDataUrl LSCRUNX1pk.bigNarrowPeak shortLabel LSC_RUNX1_peaks longLabel LSC_RUNX1_peaks color 166,216,84 visibility dense priority 18 type bigNarrowPeak ############################SMAD3 chipseq files #### SMAD3 chipseq files track SMAD3_chipseq_data container multiWig shortLabel SMAD3_chipseq_data longLabel SMAD3_chipseq_data description="all LSC SMAD3 replica's" type bigWig viewLimits 0:160 visibility full aggregate solidOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on windowingFunction maximum priority 19 configurable on autoScale on dragAndDrop subtracks track SMAD3_LSC_1 bigDataUrl LSCSMAD3rep1Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel SMAD3_LSC_1 longLabel SMAD3_LSC_1 type bigWig parent SMAD3_chipseq_data color 231,138,195 track SMAD3_LSC_2 bigDataUrl LSCSMAD3rep2Ouyangbw.bigWig shortLabel SMAD3_LSC_2 longLabel SMAD3_LSC_2 parent SMAD3_chipseq_data type bigWig color 231,138,195 track LSC_SMAD3_peaks bigDataUrl LSCSMAD3pk.bigNarrowPeak shortLabel LSC_SMAD3_peaks longLabel LSC_SMAD3_peaks color 231,138,195 visibility dense priority 20 type bigNarrowPeak #####################################bigwig files ###forward Reads track HKCday01RNASeqforward bigDataUrl HKCday01RNASeqforward.bigWig shortLabel KC_1 longLabel HKC1_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,89,40 track HKCday02RNASeqforward bigDataUrl HKCday02RNASeqforward.bigWig shortLabel KC_2 longLabel HKC2_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,89,40 track PKC19RNA1forward bigDataUrl PKC19RNA1forward.bigWig shortLabel KC_3 longLabel PKC19_replica_1 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,89,40 track LSCRNA1forward bigDataUrl LSCRNA1forward.bigWig shortLabel LSC_1 longLabel LSC_bulk_replica_1 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 253,191,111 track LSCRNA2forward bigDataUrl LSCRNA2forward.bigWig shortLabel LSC_2 longLabel LSC_bulk_replica_2 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 253,191,111 ###reverse Reads track HKCday01RNASeqreverse bigDataUrl HKCday01RNASeqreverse.bigWig shortLabel KC_1 longLabel HKC1_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,157,146 track HKCday02RNASeqreverse bigDataUrl HKCday02RNASeqreverse.bigWig shortLabel KC_2 longLabel HKC2_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,157,146 track PKC19RNA1reverse bigDataUrl PKC19RNA1reverse.bigWig shortLabel KC_3 longLabel HKC2_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,157,146 track PKC19RNA2reverse bigDataUrl PKC19RNA2reverse.bigWig shortLabel KC_3 longLabel HKC2_d0 parent KC_RNA type bigWig color 177,157,146 track LSCRNA1reverse bigDataUrl LSCRNA1reverse.bigWig shortLabel LSC_1 longLabel LSC_bulk_replica_1 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 190,167,138 track LSCRNA2reverse bigDataUrl LSCRNA2reverse.bigWig shortLabel LSC_1 longLabel LSC_bulk_replica_1 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 190,167,138 track LSCRNA2 bigDataUrl LSCouyang1.bigWig shortLabel LSC_ouyang1 longLabel LSC_ouyang1 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 253,191,111 track LSCRNA3 bigDataUrl LSCouyang2.bigWig shortLabel LSC_LSCouyang2 longLabel LSC_LSCouyang2 parent LSC_RNA type bigWig color 253,191,111