Everything in this folder is copied every minuit to the location: /ceph/rimlsfnwi/web_share/mbdata/jsmits/ of wich the url is: "http://mbdata.science.ru.nl/jsmits/folder_of_trackhub" e.g: http://mbdata.science.ru.nl/jsmits/RNA_seq/RNA-seq_trackhub.hub.txt Before starting cron it needs a lockfile to 'lock' if already an instance of rsync is running. This wil prevent multiple rsyncs from starting every minuit. Make a lockfile (which can be empty, it doesnt matter) at a location e.g: /ceph/rimlsfnwi/data/moldevbio/zhou/jsmits/crontablockfile Next you can shedulea cron job in the cronfile. To acces the cronfile, type : 'crontab -e' in bash. the cronfile command to enter is: * * * * * flock -n /ceph/rimlsfnwi/data/moldevbio/zhou/jsmits/crontablockfile -c "nice -19 rsync -avz /ceph/rimlsfnwi/data/moldevbio/zhou/jsmits/web-share/ /ceph/rimlsfnwi/web_share/mbdata/jsmits/ > /ceph/rimlsfnwi/data/moldevbio/zhou/jsmits/cronjob_error.txt --delete 2>&1" > /ceph/rimlsfnwi/data/moldevbio/zhou/jsmits/cronjob_error.txt